Neil Patrick Harris Asks If It's Okay To "Flip Another Man's Meat" In Heineken Light Ad

Is it okay to get between a man and his meat?

It's Labor Day, when many Americans pull out the barbecue for one last go before summer's end.

But a spot from Heineken Light raises the age-old question: Is it okay to flip another man's meat?

The commercial, launched earlier this summer, sees Neil Patrick Harris speaking to the camera as an unnamed man works the grill.

“Heineken Light makes it oaky to flip another man’s meat,” says the out actor.

“No, no, no. You never flip another man’s meat,” replies the man at the grill, who won't give it up even for a free Heineken Light.

Right-wing blogs like WND think the ad is one more sign of the gay agenda invading sacred American institutions like barbecues.

On the other hand, is NPH helping to sell a stale, tasteless joke about gay men?

Or maybe Heineken realized that there's a stigma attached to light beer (namely that "real men" don't drink it), so they just decided to lean into it.

“This year’s campaign more than others lets Neil be Neil,” says Heineken USA's Ralph Rijks. “These were the most fun to shoot, and his improv skills... came through perfectly on camera.”

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