Five Full Minutes of "The Flash": Lightning Gave Me Abs?

We had the teaser for the new CW series The Flash this morning, but now that the network has had their upfronts, they've released a five minute trailer for the new series starring Grant Gustin as the Scarlet Speedster.

The series was a backdoor pilot from Arrow, and picks up largely where we last saw Barry Allen. Our intrepid forensic scientist was in a coma, having been struck by lightning when a nearby particle accelerator went haywire. He's under the care of Star Labs, and notably genius scientist Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) who thinks that Barry might be something special now.

When Barry wakes up from his coma he notices some changes to his body: "Being struck by lightning gave me abs?"

After a pep talk from none other than Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) himself, he's quickly outfitted with a high tech suit that can handle his speed, and backed up with a team of young idealistic geeks and a genius mentor in Wells. He begins taking on threats to the city big and small.

Have you set your DVRs yet? The Flash will be pared with Supernatural on Tuesdays this fall on the CW.

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