Alex Jones Loses His Mind Over Drag Queens Reading To Kids

"There isn’t a species on the planet that would let something that looks like a space alien get up close to its kids."

It is no surprise that many conservatives are vehemently against Drag Queen Story Hour—a recent program that finds queens reading stories of diversity and acceptance to children at local libraries. But Infowars host Alex Jones took his anger to a disturbing new level.

The creator of the conspiracy-theory site claimed that the drag queens are trying to sexualize children during an over-the-top rant on The Alex Jones Show that ended with him nearly throwing his chair into the camera operators.

Speaking about the drag queens, Jones shouted, "They dress up like space aliens all over the United States of America and all over the world in horrible demon, psychopath outfits that make Pennywise look beautiful."

"They show up and they have their way with your children, in demon outfits," he added. "I mean, if you’ve got men that look like 400-pound goblin demons with your children, there’s nothing you won’t put up with."

And that was the calmest part of the rant, by the way. From there, he literally began screaming and convulsing in his chair—perhaps possessed by one of the very demons he was speaking of.

"There isn’t a species on the planet that would let something that looks like a space alien get up close to its kids," Jones screeched. "But only in America does it happen and I’m sick of it. I’m tired of it right now. I can’t handle it anymore."

And with that, Jones picked up his chair and appeared ready to launch it across his desk before the camera faded to black.

Would you feel safer to have your kids hang out with drag queens or with Jones? Check out the unhinged clip, courtesy of Right Wing Watch, to decide for yourself.

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